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*Letter Lady Examples*

Dear Pam,


I am long overdue in trying to tell you exactly how much I love you. You are the most caring woman I have ever met and I am glad you came into my life. The small things matter most to me, and I really love the level of consideration you consistently demonstrate. Most women I have dealt with want an 80/20 relationship; they want you to give 80% when they only offer 20%. You are down for the 50/50 and more often than not, you think about others more than you think about yourself. You put me first, a lot. We don’t even live together, yet you still wash my clothes, pack my lunch, and cook me dinner. I know I don’t say it often enough but I truly appreciate you and the things you do.



You are beautiful on both the inside and out and your height is one of my favorite features. You are my Pamazon—beautiful, black, and strong. We may have started out as friends but after a month, I knew I wanted more from you, that you were special, and that we could have something even more special together. Although I’m usually a man of few words, one of my favorite memories is of us sitting up talking all night long. When I look into the future, I see the two of us together, living a long and happy life. I hope we can finally use the bicycles we bought because I want us both to be around enjoying each other’s company, for many years to come.


Thank you for loving me and for allowing me the honor of loving you.


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Wedding Speech - for Nancy and Greg


Over the years, I have watched your relationship grow and each of you blossom into the man and woman I see before me today. You have had your trials and tribulations, good times and bad, but through it all your love for one another remained constant and your commitment to work on something real and lasting is the true spirit of any marriage.  

Nancy I remember when you first brought Greg home to meet us, eight years ago. Initially, I thought it was a young romance, destined to fade as many romances do, but the loving way Greg always treated you stood out to me, and has remained consistent every time I see you two together.
The way you made his daughter your responsibility as much as she was his, was heartwarming.

Through these observations, I knew you were destined to be together. Of all the couples I know, you two truly enjoy each other’s company. Where there is Nancy there is Greg, and vice versa. This trait will serve you well for many years to come. Keep that love, keep that desire to be in each other’s presence, and to spend real quality time enjoying life with one another. Nancy, I am honored to have you as a sister and Greg, we are so pleased to officially welcome you to the family. I love you both. May God continue to bless each of you and to bless your union.  

Dr. K,

I am writing this letter to express concern with my recent allergy shot visit. When I signed the list to receive my injections, the clock on your wall read 3:46 pm. One of the nurses had already written and highlighted 3:45 on the sheet, indicating shots were done for the day. I checked with the receptionist to make sure I would be able to receive my shots. After she checked with the nursing staff, I was told that I could get the shots and indeed received them, however I do not appreciate hearing your staff complain to each other, loudly I might add, that they did not have to see me so I should understand that fact.


I got there at 3:46. Dr. K, I have waited more than 20-minutes to receive my allergy shots and still had to wait another 30-minutes after getting the shots. I value my time as well. What upsets me most is that this is not the first time I have heard at least one nurse complain loudly. Let me be clear, the complaints are not coming from everyone. However, if any of your nurses are going to complain about your patients, it should not be done so loudly that the entire waiting room can hear.

Letters to Combat Foolishness

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I understand that we all have our off days and everyone gets tired and frustrated, but by the same token, your office is only open 3-days a week and I can only get my shot between very specific times, that are mostly in the middle of my workday. It’s not like there is a 7am to 6pm time frame to receive a shot. Even when I arrive at your office before my workday begins, the wait time is usually longer because apparently a lot of people come to your office before work. I am sure the volume of patients will only increase as the allergy season gets worse, and I do not believe courtesy and professionalism are too much to ask. In addition to the obnoxious, intentionally loud complaining, sometimes there seems to be general irritation about having to answer questions about the shot, it depends on the particular nurse and her mood that day.


I left my last allergy doctor because their billing department was incompetent and kept inaccurately billing me. Plenty of people leave good doctors because the staff is horrible. The stories abound. I would like to get my allergy shots in peace, instead of leaving your office so frustrated that I end up sitting at my desk for an extra hour writing letters about poor customer service on a Friday afternoon. I attempted to find general "customer service training" resources for nurses who work in doctor’s offices, but all I could find were receptionist resources. The receptionist is great. She is always pleasant, even when she is not having a good day. I know being pleasant does not come naturally to everyone, but anyone who works in an industry that involves customer service should seriously make an investment in that skill.

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